Location-independent Berliner ANAIT SAGOYAN
Founder & Filmmaker at DETACHED ASTRONAUTS
M.A. Eastern European Cultural Studies (Emphasis: Cinema), University of Potsdam
I'm Anait, a filmmaker with over a decade of experience in visual storytelling, and I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and expertise to your project.
As a Lead Filmmaker, Photographer & Graphic Designer, I actively engage in both leadership responsibilities and hands-on filming, adding a personal touch to visual content production.
I have been recognized for my ability to implement new storytelling methods and techniques in documentary video projects supported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
From concept development to post-production, I have successfully brought to life multiple creative projects.
In 2022, I founded DETACHED ASTRONAUTS, a film & media production agency that knows no technical limits when it comes to visual storytelling.
Learn more about our services here and contact me for a free project consultation! Let's explore how we can make your vision a reality together.
With positive Vibes,
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